Project Tokyo Autumn 2023German Exhibitors Airpaq GmbH

Airpaq GmbH

Booth number: G-7

About us

Airpaq upcycles airbags and seat belts into backpacks. These materials are designed to perform in extreme situations, making Airpaq a sustainable and quality product. By collecting materials from different car models/brands/years we encounter a huge variety of materials, which make each Airpaq through little details unique.

Adrian and Michael, two good friends from different backgrounds with one shared vision: We are passionate about the idea of creating alternative uses for things that otherwise would end up in the trash. Our passion stems from two motives. First, we are convinced that sustainable actions such as upcycling/recycling are essential for our life on this planet. Second, we are fascinated by the charm and the singularity that products of upcycled nature exhibit. Our goal for Airpaq is to combine these motives by creating products that convince our customers ethically, ecologically and aesthetically.


Airpaq GmbH
Im Rabengrund 7
50997 Köln

Phone:  +49 221 29297140
Kotobuki 4-2-1
111-8682 Taito-ku
Tokyo, Japan

Phone:  +81 3 3847 3521

Products & Services

Fashion Goods
Backpack Airpaq

Airpaq upcycles airbags and seat belts into backpacks. Airpaq finds a great balance between functionality and style, making it the ideal companion for urban adventures. The recycled materials used to produce one Airpaq are approximately two airbags, for seat belts and one buckle. By collecting materials from different car models/brands/years we encounter a huge variety of materials, which make each Airpaq through little details unique.

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